Don't find file from foxbase 2.1.2d

Hi there, finally i'm installed Sco Foxbase 2.1.2d over my Sco Open Server 5.0.7v server.
Well at this point almost is working fine, but, when i Run mi application i receive the next error:
"sh: the_name_of_file": does not exist".

I checked it over the Hard Disk and the file exist, the permisions for this file are OK, so i checked the code and i find that when i run from the Foxplus enviroment:

! the_name_of_file i receive the error, but when i use:
Do the_name_of_file foxplus recognise the file and try to execute the program.

There is some configuration to do over the over the unix system or in the configuration files of Foxplus for execute the "!" instruction??.

Every help wiil be very apreciated.
Thanks a lot.
P.D Sorry by my english, i made my best effort.

In the shell environment, the program must exist in the shell PATH. In te foxplus environemnt it must exist in the foxplus path, which is known by "set path to ...". The two are different. Within fox, the path is where prg etc are stored. When you say DO ..., foxplus looks in the sequence of folders specified in the foxplus path and not in unix path.

So move the executable (bin file) to the fox path.

Note that this is based on old experience in DOS FOXPRO.