Do I require remote login access to a windows server to transfer files from a UNIX server

Hi All
I need to transfer a file from a UNIX server to a windows server.

I saw that it is possible to do this using scp command by looking at the forum listed below:

I do have access to an inbound directory on windows server and I have mapped it as a Network Drive.

I did try to do "Remote Desktop Login" but I don't have remote login access. So my question is
1) Do I need to have "Remote Login" access to windows server in order to transfer the file from UNIX server?
2) Guessing that I get remote login access, will the following command work
on UNIX server

scp /home/user22/test1.txt user22@windows\_server:\\\\windows_server\\inbound\\test1.txt

Thanks a lot in advance.

Microsoft Windows does not run any scp service, natively. Nothing is accepting connections (listening) for you to push a file through via scp. And even if it were, you need login credentials to be able to do that.

If you were to have login credentials and log into Windows you can use pscp.exe from the same people that makes putty to pull the file from the Linux server.


If you can install to your desktop, then I'd be tempted to use Filezilla - which is free and gives excellent functionality.

