Disk Add

Hello, I have 4 disks to add on an Unix OS. 2 of them are already added. When I try to make the diskadd command, the system reply's that Diskadd was "Not Found". I already tried to go to the /etc/dskmgmt/ and call there the diskadd, but the system gives me the same error message.
Can anybody help me?

I am not a specialist of os 2 but you can try this:
(for Solaris 2.X)

cd /dev/rdsk/

Now you can see the new disks.
Or use format to modify the disks.

What's your O/S ???????????? Helps when you give more info... O/S Brand... and version number...etc..

Post the results of "uname -a"...

Thanks a lot to everyone. I managed to solve the problem yesterday.
Have a nice day.