
Hi, i have two servers,
one is not funtioning properly. they are both to do the same thing as one is a back up and it comes in when the other is down.

when i type echo $PATH, they show different things on the two servers but when i got to the /.profile and /etc/profile they show the same thing on the two servers.
one of them is not able to start any programs and even some commands like boot,halt, shutdown etc.

can you please let me know where to find the actual PATH?

First check that root's home directory is actually "/" on both computers and that both root accounts are using the same shell.

head -1 /etc/passwd

Please post the actual values of $PATH , making it clear how you became root on each computer (login,rlogin,su,su -,whatever).

Please also make it clear which computer has the problem, what is considered normal, and what actually happens ?

Also look at the contents of /etc/profile . Some take the default path from a file called /etc/PATH .

Also, on Solaris, default root PATH is first set to default values that can be customized in /etc/default/login and /etc/default/su. /etc/profile, ~/.profile or similar are sourced later.