

I use Solaris 10 and I have NTP packages arlrady installed

pkginfo | grep -i ntp
system SUNWntpr NTP, (Root)
system SUNWntpu NTP, (Usr)

How to configure NTP?


NTP Master

  1. Create the file /etc/inet/ntp.conf with the following
    driftfile /etc/ntp.drift

  2. Create the file /etc/ntp.drift with the following entry:

  3. Bounce NTP service.
    #> /etc/rc2.d/S74xntd stop
    #> /etc/rc2.d/S74xntd start

  4. Check Status
    #> ntpq
    ntpq> peers

NTP Clients

  1. Create the file /etc/inet/ntp.conf with the following entries:
    server <NTP Master IP [do not use hostname]>
    driftfile /etc/ntp.drift

  2. Create the file /etc/ntp.drift with the following entry:

  3. Bounce NTP service.
    #> /etc/rc2.d/S74xntd stop
    #> /etc/rc2.d/S74xntd start

  4. Check Status
    #> ntpq
    ntpq> peers

Network Time Protocol (NTP):

  • When setting up an NTP config file it is important to reference these machines by
    their aliases and not their canonical names. This allows you to transparently move
    the NTP servers to other machines in the future.
  • The public domain xntp daemon (which uses NTP) is used to sync computer clocks.
  • The xtnp daemon reads the file /etc/inet/ntp.conf at startup.
    It can be run periodically as a cron job.
  • date and rdate can be used on systems that do not use NTP.
  • Config NTP Server:
    1. Copy /etc/inet/ntp.server to /etc/inet/ntp.conf
    2. Edit the file /etc/inet/ntp.conf to point to an ntp server.
    3. Change to the /etc/inet.d dir and start the xntd daemon
  • Config Client (same):
    1. Copy /etc/inet/ntp.server to /etc/inet/ntp.conf
    2. Edit the file /etc/inet/ntp.conf to point to an ntp server.
    3. Change to the /etc/inet.d dir and start the xntd daemon
  • To sync the date and time with another system use:
    rdate <remote host>
  • ntpq can be used to show the status of ntp.