
How to enable rsh in solaris

You need entry in /etc/inetd.conf as below and restart the service for inted

Which version of Solaris? Solaris 10 do not have the entry in the /etc/inetd.conf. You will need to add it to the /etc/services file then restart the daemon. svcadm restart inetd

Other versions of solaris, as mentioned, edit the file, then restart the network daemon

rsh is already present in /etc/services in all Solaris releases:

shell   514/tcp   cmd   # no passwords used

To enable it, run

svcadm enable shell:default

then set the rhosts file(s) appropriately.

By the way, rsh is a pretty insecure protocol, ssh should be used instead.

Thank you very much

rsh is already present in /etc/services in all Solaris releases:
shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used

But I don't see it in my Solaris 10 system... :confused: Anyway, thanks.:stuck_out_tongue:

That may be due to a choice you made when installing the box.

Solaris 10 installer asks you whether you want to enable "all" n/w services or only ssh.

The netservices command has no effect on /etc/services.