
hello!! am a final year engineering student. As a part of my final year project i want to do project regarding ftp in linux. so i would be greatful if anyone can send me a link to download the ftp tutorial which has the implementation details.

Have you read the RFC yet? Its quite well written:

It will tell you exactly how to implement FTP. I wrote a client using this document when I was a student :slight_smile:

ya i have gone through that. I would be greatful if u can tell me how exactly u can inplement it. i want to implement it on fedora.

I would be greatful if u can tell me how exactly u can inplement it. i want to implement it on fedora. if possibel can u give me a sample code plz???

There are so many guides to show you how this is done. Specifically the Fedora Wiki pages shows you how to install and configure vsftpd. You are not specific about what you want or which version of Fedora you're using so its best you do a little foot work yourself.