Discard part of a file based on a pattern ---

I have the file:

s3_T0(2) Pos  "1" "2"
s1_T1(2) Pos  "1" "2"
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
1 2 "tau0"
1 2 "h10"

I want to patternmatch on ---
and get only the third part i.e.

1 2 "tau0"
1 2 "h10"

I wanted to start simple but even something like

awk '/---/{x="F"++i;}{print > x;}' file2

does not work.
Any suggestion appreciated.


awk '/1 2/' file

Thanks, but the rest of the file can be quite big aND not necessarily starting with 1 2.
I want the part after the second --- no matter what it is.

Hello try

nawk '{A[++c] = $0} END { for ( i = 1; i <=c; i++ ) {if(A ~ "---") {d++} { if ( d  == 2) print A[i+1]}}}' file

Try this:

awk '/---/{p++;next} p==2' file
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thanks, both solutiuons work well!