direct transmission of files via TCP/IP

is it possible to write files via write() to a socket and read it on the other side via read(), without going through buffers? Iif not via write() and read() are there other possibilities?


I'm not sure that I understand the question. But you can read() and write() to a socket, however a properly constructed read() or write() call must include the address of a buffer for the data.

Is it possible to use a buffer size of only 1 element? I bet he wants to eliminate any lag related to send/receive with unfilled buffers. I ran into a similiar situation years ago with a bar code reader. I don't remember how I solved the problem (and it was under Win32 anyway).

You can read and write a single byte if you really want to. But sending a byte at a time over a TCP/IP connection is crazy unless you only have a single byte to send. Note that the original question was about sending "files". I think that he wants to send the file straight from disk to the network without the data ever coming into core.

Yeah. Your probably right. I didn't think of it that way.

Exactly, i do not want to store the file into a buffer (for read or write), but write/read it directly from disk to the socket/ from socket to disk.
I got one solution by mapping the file, then i can use the mapped file as the buffer for the read()/write() function.
