dim versioning tool 0.5.1 (Default branch)

Dim is a utility to help you track the changes of items (sets composed of multiple files). It provides commands to handle the complete lifecycle of version control operations: create a library, register users (code authors), create items, save local versions, branch, clone, export, import, remove, merge, archive, replicate library content over the network or the filesystem, and access the full history and browse differences at the library, item, file, line, or word level. Dim is a single self-documented POSIX shell script. It just uses standard Unix utilities like awk, diff, tar, and openssl. License: MIT/X Consortium License Changes:
Jobs were introduced. The mklib command was replaced by mkjob. Exported versions are now signed with the committer RSA key, and can be verified by all users. The ability to remove and re-import versions while keeping a consistent and correct ancestor tree was improved. Dim has been ported to OpenSolaris and AIX. Many bugs in network transfer, merge, and metadata management were fixed.
