Different MOV syntaxes after debugging

I was analyzing the syntax on the MOV Assembly command after debugging my c code using gdb. What I don't understand is that on some machines it shows me a MOV AL,0 and on some MOV 0,AL. I know both mean the same but what is it that differentiates the syntax?

It depends, which version of gdb is on your machine and other. Also depends on OS platform, but don't worry it is the same. When I was nivice I also had such situatio, but now for me is the same. If you want to get the same result on both machines you must change the syntax of result in gdb config file.

Oh.. Thank you for the clairification...

It is down to convention.

In Motorola 68000/PDP assembler syntax the target is on the right.

In Intel/Zilog assembler the target is on the left.

GNU uses a "portable assembler" which use the first convention.

Out of interest, does assembler counts as a "high level language"?

Hehe... No but I got it after compiling the program which was written in C. Thought it had something to do with the gcc compiler... Thanks for the reply...