Different edit crontab at Solaris..?

hi Perderabo,

I got critical problem would like your help in urgent.

after i tested commands you refered, and did some jobs (don't remember), i was kicked out and could not telnet to server.

i tried to console, and fould that some link files like home -> /opt/home/ were disappeared. That cause my account don't have home directory (it is /home/peri in passwd file). I created links and it is working fine now. But I don't know whether there are any other link files were deleted or not? :(.

my server is running important services right now. would u pls help this case. y could contact me in yahoo: longnguyenminh or skype: longnguyenminh

Thanks so much for your support.

i attached one script for performance capture into crontab after finished crontab -e following ur instruction.

cpu.sh script is like that
sar 1 | tail -2 >> /home/peri/long/`date +%Y%m%d`_CPU_util

and crontab line is:
56 * * * * /home/peri/long/cpu.sh

i am not pretty sure whether this kind of stuffs can make this problem?

i need to find all links which were deleted. i have two servers with same config, so i am trying to find command to find all links in non-problem server then modify in problem-server.

Hope your help.


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I don't know why your link disappeared. Neither the setenv command nor the script you posted should have that effect.


sorry for my fault. i just meant to contact thru instant messenger, not email since it's so urgent that time.

anyway, thanks for ur advice... i am finding if there are other links disappeared.

if you dont set your editor variable to vi, 'crontab -e' will just sit there.

export EDITOR

then test it out.

echo $EDITOR

Now try crontab -e. Should work.


It worked. Thanks.