Differences between Solaris 2.5 and 9


Can anybody tell what are the great differences in Solaris 2.5 and 9? I am seeking information like differences in libraries, User Interface, Configuraion files, daemons, Packaging and archiving tools, Hardware supported etc.

Please help me, as this is little urgent. Even if you can refer some URL it would be great.

i don't have a comparison for 2.5 but for the "newer" versions:

hope that help

greetings PRESSY

Hi Pressy,

Thanks for the information. But this FCC I am having already. i am specifically looking for a information where my application (any) has a touch point with OS that gets affected when I move from 2.5 to 9.

If you are looking for specifics, then state your application. Your biggest problem is that you have such an old version of Solaris running, there is no comparison guide from it to Solaris 9. Plus the fact that 2.5 isn't supported by Sun anymore.

Your only hope is to build the new system - put your application(s) on it, and test.

Some other info:
Solaris features 2.5 to 9 (not inclusive)
Solaris 9 upgrade note SUN tested upgrading from 2.5.1 and above to Solaris 9 - but not 2.5.


Thanks for the information. I am currently not having any solaris system running with some application to say that this is what my application. My intention to raise this question is that I am preparing the document where I need an info of when I move my platform from Solaris 2.5 to 9 what woulld be the impact of application that is working in 2.5. When I say application it meant any application including ISV.

In a simple Solaris 9 has lots of features which may affect the application when I move from 2.5 to 9. I am just looking what are such areas and why?

Charles C.