Difference between vruntime and sum_exec_runtime

While studying linux scheduler i looked into strct sched_entity and update_curr function which accounts for how much time a process have run.
The code says that vruntime is incremented by a weighted value(total run time weighted against number of process) while sum_exec_runtime is incremented by how much time passed since last accounting.
Here's link for function's defintion
update_curr :Linux/kernel/sched/fair.c - Linux Cross Reference - Free Electrons
__update_curr:Linux/kernel/sched/fair.c - Linux Cross Reference - Free Electrons

My question if we increment vruntime by weighted value how can we be sure that this is the time for which the process ran so far?
I think sum_exec_runtime gives exactly what we are looking for.
Please correct me if i'm wrong or any explanation for clearing this concept.


The weighting is probably for determining the order of this process in CPU dispatching, for scheduler priority. You want the unweighted sum.

yes i think and by definition vruntime should be total time elapsed and unweighted. right?

You said the reverse last time, which looks right.