Difference between two dates...

Hi All,
Wish you a Happy New year...

I have to find the difference between two dates, the result should be the number of days. I have seen the "datecalc" function. Its good, can I have any other alternative.

Thanks in Advance

Why re-invent the wheel again ?

Search through Yesterdays Date/Date Arithmetic

Thanks for the response.
Can you pls explain the part of logic behind date2jd.

((standard_jd = day - 32075
+ 1461 * (year + 4800 - (14 - month)/12)/4
+ 367 * (month - 2 + (14 - month)/12*12)/12
- 3 * ((year + 4900 - (14 - month)/12)/100)/4))
((jd = standard_jd-2400001))


Perderabo picked up the algorithm from the internet.

Googling gave me this - Julian Day Numbers

Read through 9.Conversion Algorithms. That should answer your question.


Thanks Vino