Difference between tty and console devices ?


What is the diference between these two ?


tty is a command and also a device file. Check for it at /dev.

tty usually means a serial port device file in AIX, like Zaxxon said, you normally can found something like /dev/tty0 or /dev/tty1. A tty device can be config as a rs-232 port, rs-485 port, or asyn device. It's also can be define as a console port.

console is concept of control terminal. could be a physical device or just a logical term. Physically, in most UNIX, you can define a console via a serial port like one of tty and connect a software or hardware terminal to control a station, or use your video card, in Power System you can use a HMC. Also you can define a logical console in software to redirect your in put output information.

Console in theory is the terminal at the system. The tty's are the other remote terminals in theory. This is just how I think of it.

Page 66 in "The UNIX Programming Environment" has a nice explaination on /dev, it's short but works.