dhcpd.conf - static route


I've setup DHCP Server on RH linux AS3 and everything works fine except static routes. They are not getting effected on client systems.

My dhcpd.conf:


ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-updates off;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "abc.com";
option subnet-mask;
# abc_lan
subnet netmask {
option domain-name "abc.com";
option static-routes;
allow unknown-clients;
ddns-updates off;


Any help would highly be appreciated



Hello, you can read this man page and especially the part for "option static-routes". If it doesn't help, use the "routers" options as suggested, in the body of each subnet, add the line:
option router your-ip-here;
This will configure the default gateway to be the one you have selected above.
Edit : looking back into the forum's base, I found this article, I hope it will be useful.

Hi Sysgate,

thanks for all the help but sorry to say that they don't work for my requirement. I need to configure "static route" only NOT "default route" as the requirement is to setup 5 static routes and 1 default gateway. I already used "option routers" for default gateway (not specified in dhcpd.conf to make my requirement clear to all). As you know, we cant have more than 1 default gateway on any system(the other thread you have referred was about 2 different subnets where each with ONE router only).

Though i could solve this issue by mentioning all the static routes in my ROUTER (the default gateway) itself and use "option routers" but my organization does not want it that way to restrict a group of systems.

So the only option i have, is to use "option static-routes" but this is somehow not working in my case though syntax seems to be just fine.



from the man pages :

If you are sure you have the correct IPs, I'll suggest looking at the log file. Oh, and don't forget to restart the DHCP after you make changes (I'm almost sure you did this, but just in case.)