DHCP client & ipchains headache

Hi all,

I upgraded my SUSE 6.1 to SUSE 7.1 and at once the following things won't work anymore:

1) My DHCP client is not able anymore to retrieve my IP address from the @home server. It times out all the time. If I use a fixed IP I can get on the net, so there is no physical problem.
2) I use this computer as access to the internet via ipchains. I copied the old script i used, and it seems to work fine except when I try to play an online game. With the old linux version I could play this game. Where should I look to find the cause of the problem?

The thing is that it could be a setting or so, but this is the first time I try to install linux myself, and I am really a complete linux dummy. I hope someone can help me.:confused:


You might consider checking your new kernel configuration to see if it was configured for packet filtering and ipchains.

at this moment i also have @home but my server is freebsd. i also had a small headache for one day to get info out of the server. (i live in the netherlands i am not sure if there is a different @home config around the world). by my @home wants to know my computer name before i get an ip (that things is the thing i know). i got the dhcp client from www.isc.org (one of the two most used dhcp clients).
my config is at the moment

in my /etc/dhclient.conf is standing

interface "interfacename" {
send dhcp-client-identifier "computername";
send dhcp-lease-time 86400;

where interface name could be in linux eth0 or eth1(the one which the cable modem is on is the good one)
and computername your official computername how they want it by @home.

then simply type dhclient eth0
aand your computer got his ip (worked by me).

Thanks a lot for the answer :slight_smile:

Since I live in the Netherlands too, I am pretty much convinced it will work. I am going to try it directly tonight.