/dev/Null error

Hi Guru's,
I am trying to test the network speed or load by this command.
but getting error " Not Connected ". Could you guys please help.

ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=8k count=1000000" /dev/null
Not connected.

What is this bit of code?
a screen copy of your passed command and output?
Otherwise, explain to us how it should work, expecially ftp>

This code or command is used to test the network load, I mean we are just creating a load with out any disk usage in to the network, say some thing like loopback.
and with put command we get the execution of the command from source to destination.

"|dd if=/dev/zero bs=8k count=1000000" - creates 8GB of load with all Zero's
Put - normal put command
/dev/null - Null device used as destination. to send all data created to null device

But that doesnt say what ftp > is?
For it look to me like you typed ftp and enter...
Which will not work...


ant:/home/vbe $ ftp
ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=8k count=1000000" /dev/null
Not connected.
ftp> quit


ant:/home/vbe $ ftp zra01
Connected to zra01.cet.XX.
220 zra01 FTP server (Version Fri Apr 20 07:27:42 GMT 2001) ready.
Name (zra01:vbe): 
331 Password required for vbe.
230 User vbe logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=8k count=1000000" /dev/null
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /dev/null.
1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
226 Transfer complete.
8192000013 bytes sent in 692.35 seconds (11554.91 Kbytes/s)
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This is interesting, how portable is that pipe feature?

Greetings corona,

It applies to AIX but now I've tried, works for HP-UX, source:
Help -

Yup: +1 : this is interesting , did you make some successfull test on some other nix-like ?

It also works on my Linux system using the "linux standard" ftp, a modified version of the one in netkit, which is directly derived from BSD source, which the manual page says dates back to 4.2BSD. This might be a very old feature.

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Hi Vbe, Thanks very much .. dont know how did I missed that small mistake :slight_smile: