Deleting Specific Characters in Script

What's one single UNIX pipeline that would delete all of the vowels from one file (global)?

I know I would need to use the sed command. But I'm stuck after that. i know how to replace characters with other characters I just don't know how to fully get rid of it.


tr -d 'aeioiAEIOU' < file
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Using some sed-fu:

sed 's/[aeiou]//ig' file

To write the changes to the file and create a backup, add the -i switch:

sed -i.BKUP 's/[aeiou]//ig' file
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That really helps - thanks! I'm just trying to get myself familiar with Unix.

How about if you want to have just one single pipeline that will create a file (let's say x) and we want all the content from another file (we can call it y), one word per line.

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