Delete lines above and below specific line of text

I'm trying to remove a specific number of lines, above and below a specific line of text, highlighted in red:


That's 6 lines above and 9 below. The content of the file extends beyond those lines, so I have to specify.

I know the sed command can do this but I don't know how to proceed in this case.

Save as
Run as perl bomsom.file

Substitute the highlighted for any regex you want.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my @buffer;

while( <> )
    push @buffer, $_;
    if( @buffer == 16 )
        if( $buffer[6] =~ /<MEMO>BALANCE/ )
            @buffer = ();
        print shift @buffer;
print @buffer if @buffer;

Sometimes, good old ed is simpler:

ed -s file <<-"EOF"

Although written and tested using the Korn shell, this will work with any shell that uses basic Bourne shell syntax. It will also work with ex instead of ed .

In case you want a throw away command line:

perl -ne 'push @b, $_; (@b==16) and $b[6]=~/<MEMO>BALANCE/?@b=():print shift @b; END{print @b if @b}' bomsom.file

However, the full script is more flexible since you could add to the work it can do; for example if you were to combine the requirement of this thread and the requirement of your other thread

cat bomsom.file



Highlighted in blue is the modification.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my @buffer;

while( <> )
    push @buffer, $_;
    if( @buffer == 16 )
        if( $buffer[6] =~ /<MEMO>BALANCE/)
            @buffer = ();
        print reverse_sign( shift @buffer );
print reverse_sign( @buffer ) if @buffer;

sub reverse_sign
    my $lines = \@_;
    for my $line ( @{$lines} ){
        $line =~ s/^(<TRNAMT>)(-?\d+\.\d+)$/sprintf "%s%.2f", $1, -$2/e;
    return @{$lines};
perl bomsom.file



Thanks a lot guys.

Aia, I ran the Perl .pl file in Terminal and it works very well combining both requirements in one script like you said. I changed the file name of course, like this:

perl cc3.ofx

However, when I added the variable to write the changes in the file (-i) the new file is missing the last 15 lines, and just those exact lines are printed in the terminal window. I ran the command like this:

perl -i.bak cc3.ofx 

What is wrong?

Simple awk ? Try

awk '
NR == 1         {Above++

                {RB[NR%Above] = $0

$0 ~ Pat        {Above = NR + Below
                 B = 1

NR >= Above     {print B?$0:RB[(NR+1)%Above]

' Above=3 Below=5 Pat="BALANCE" file
 3 <DTPOSTED>20151205000001[-3:GMT]
13 <FITID>667800002
14 <CHECKNUM>667800002

The flag -i works only with the <> operator. Mostly, in throw away command line executions. I am using the <> in the script trying to be flexible from where it is getting the input (from stdin, and from file given). However, it is intended to show at stdout and thus it closes $ARGV (where <> is reading) and then it finishes the job.

If you are going to use it as such, a modification must be done. The highlighted part represents the modification. It has been tested, minimally. Please, try and let me know if you need something else.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my @buffer;

while(<>) {
    push @buffer, $_;
    if(@buffer == 16) {
        if($buffer[6] =~ /<MEMO>BALANCE/) {
            @buffer = ();
        print reverse_sign(shift @buffer);
    if(eof) {
        print reverse_sign(@buffer) if @buffer;

sub reverse_sign {
    my $lines = \@_;
    for my $line (@{$lines}) {
        $line =~ s/^(<TRNAMT>)(-?\d+\.\d+)$/sprintf "%s%.2f", $1, -$2/e;
    return @{$lines};
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If you'd add two lines to the ed script I suggested in post #3 in this thread, it will also handle the changes requested in both threads:

ed -s bomsom.file <<-"EOF"

and, using bomsom.file from post #4 in this thread, it produces the same output as Aia's perl script also shown in post #4.

Aia, that's awesome, it works beautifully. Thanks a lot.

@Don: Thanks Don, I'm yet to make it work but I'm sure doing something wrong. I'm still in the very very basics, try and error (a lot).