Delete files older than 10 Days in a directory

Hi All

I want to remove the files with name like data*.csv from the directory older than 10 days.
If there is no files exists to remove older than 10 days, It should not do anything.


find <directory_path> -mtime +10 -name "data*.csv" -exec rm -f {} \; 2>/dev/null

This will also descend into sub-directories of the directory. To prevent descent, use

find <directory_path> \( ! -name <directory_path> -prune \) -mtime +10 -name "data*.csv" -exec rm -f {} \; 2>/dev/null

I tried as below

# Remove files older than 31 Days
 find -iname -mtime +31 -name 'Datapull*.csv.COMPLETE'  -exec rm -f {} \;

But when i tried to execute the shell script i got the bellow error
 find: paths must precede expression
 Usage: find [path...] [expression]

you missed a path for "find" (in elixir_sinari's post variable "<directory_path>")

Where is the path???
The path should should be the first argument to find (after options, if any)...
just cd to that directory and run your find with a . after find..
and what's that


doing there alone???


find . -mtime +31 -iname 'Datapull*.csv.COMPLETE' -exec rm -f {} \;

I tried by including the path as below.

find /lz/BI/ -mtime +31 -name 'Datapull*.csv.COMPLETE' -exec rm -f {} \;

Got below error.

find: missing argument to `-exec'

Iam very new to unix scripting,Pls advice.


First run:

to count how many lines was returned by find.

next run this:

find /lz/BI/ -mtime +31 -name 'Datapull*.csv.COMPLETE' -exec rm -f '{}' \;

The problem in Post #6 is weird.
Please post what Operating System and version you are running and what Shell you are using.
Please confirm that you are using a unix/Linux editor such as vi or vim and not a Microsoft editor.

try this.

find /<dir_name>/<file_pattern> -type f -mtime +10 2>> /dev/null |xargs -I FILE_NAME rm FILE_NAME 1>> /dev/null 2>> /dev/null

I would ignore post #9 (syntax issues).

Let's try something safer. First we check what files would be deleted:

find /lz/BI/ -type f -mtime +10 -name 'Datapull*.csv.COMPLETE' -print | while read filename
          # Remove echo when tested
          echo rm -f "${filename}"