Delete characters from the last "/"


I have a text file with some lines like this:


I don't konw how to delete all characters from the last "/" and the text file looks like this:


Thank you.


sed 's@\(.*/\).*$@\1@' input_file
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Than you Msabhi it works perfectly.


sed 's/[^/]*$//' infile


awk -F/ '{$NF=""}1' OFS=/ infile

Just in case your next question is going to be how to get the file name or other info. Perl has a good way of parsing (that is independent of operating systems):

 perl -ane 'BEGIN { use File::Basename; } {($n,$d,$t)=fileparse(@F); print $d,"\n"}' yourfile
$n  is your filename
$d directory
$t is the type
$ perl -F/ -lane 'pop @F;print join("/",@F),"/";' input.txt
perl -pe 's:(.*/).*:$1:' file
awk '{gsub(/\/[^/]*$/,"")}1' infile