delete all PID that running by UID ??

Hi experts,

How can I delete the process running by particular UID. For an example-

I want to delete all PID that running by UID- purple

UID      PID    PPID   C   STIME   TTY      TIME CMD
purple   120     122    0   Jan 17   ?        0:02 sched
purple   234     235    0   Jan 17   ?        6:17 /home/ritmouser/script/
purple   455     456    0   Jan 17   ?        0:00 pageoutin
purple   4576    4678   1   Jan 17   ?       4545:56 fsflush
purple   503     1      0   Jan 17   ?        0:00 sh -c /usr/bin/ritmouser/script1
purple   130     1      0   Jan 17   ?        0:02 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
purple   348     1      0   Jan 17   ?        0:00 sh -c /usr/bin/ritmouser/script1
purple    56     1      0   Jan 17   ?       115:34 /usr/lib/picl/picld
purple   151     1      0   Jan 17   ?        0:25 /home/ritmouser/script/

meanwhile, what is column "C" ??

Let me correct if i am wrong- PID = child process id
PPID= parent process id
best regards,


ps -ef|grep <USERNAME>|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill 
#you could use -9 but start gracefully...#

All the best

su purple
/usr/bin/kill -15 -1

When pid is -1 kill will atomically signal all processes owned by the user.

The column headed "C" is the task priority (0-255).
A high number is a low priority.
You may see unix change a task priority dynamically to 200+ if a task might
be looping.

Thanks buddy.

You can also use the pkill utility if it is available on your platform. man pkill.

yes pkill is available in my solaris.

so what will be the syntax then to kill process which UID is purple?