DB2 convert digits to binary format

Dear Team

We use DB2 v10.5 and using DBArtisan tool

Can someone please guide how to convert digits to binary numbers using db2 feature.

Ex> for number 9 , binary should be 1001 ( 8+1) 

Any help appreciated. Thanks

The following was tested on DB2 Express-C Version 11.1 on a Centos 7 Virtual Machine.

[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ cat -n dec2bin.sql
     1    --
     2    WITH inp(num) as (
     3        -- Supply the input decimal number here
     4        SELECT 9
     5          FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
     6    ),
     7    t(num, bit, iter, bin) AS (
     8        -- This is a recursive SQL that keeps dividing inp.num by 2 until it is
     9        -- reduced to 0. The bit column is the remainder (either 0 or 1) per
    10        -- iteration. Each bit column is prepended successively and set in the bin
    11        -- column. Eventually, when num is 0, the recursion ends and we have the
    12        -- binary representation of inp.num in the bin column.
    13        SELECT num, NULL, 0, CAST('' AS VARCHAR(40))
    14          FROM inp
    15        UNION ALL
    16        SELECT num/2, num%2, iter+1, STRIP(num%2 || bin)
    17          FROM t
    18         WHERE iter < 1000
    19           AND num > 0
    20    )
    21    SELECT inp.num AS dec,
    22           t.bin AS bin
    23      FROM inp, t
    24     WHERE t.num = 0
    25    ;
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ db2 -tmf dec2bin.sql

DEC         BIN                                     
----------- ----------------------------------------
          9 1001                                    

  1 record(s) selected.

[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 

And another test with a larger input number:

[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ cat -n dec2bin.sql 
     1    --
     2    WITH inp(num) as (
     3        -- Supply the input decimal number here
     4        SELECT 786955301775
     5          FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
     6    ),
     7    t(num, bit, iter, bin) AS (
     8        -- This is a recursive SQL that keeps dividing inp.num by 2 until it is
     9        -- reduced to 0. The bit column is the remainder (either 0 or 1) per
    10        -- iteration. Each bit column is prepended successively and set in the bin
    11        -- column. Eventually, when num is 0, the recursion ends and we have the
    12        -- binary representation of inp.num in the bin column.
    13        SELECT num, NULL, 0, CAST('' AS VARCHAR(40))
    14          FROM inp
    15        UNION ALL
    16        SELECT num/2, num%2, iter+1, STRIP(num%2 || bin)
    17          FROM t
    18         WHERE iter < 1000
    19           AND num > 0
    20    )
    21    SELECT inp.num AS dec,
    22           t.bin AS bin
    23      FROM inp, t
    24     WHERE t.num = 0
    25    ;
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ db2 -tmf dec2bin.sql

DEC                  BIN                                     
-------------------- ----------------------------------------
        786955301775 1011011100111010001100001111001110001111

  1 record(s) selected.

[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 
[db2inst1@r2d2-centos7 data]$ 

Hi durden_tyler
Tanks a lot . Works fine