date calculation scripts(hp-ux)

Hi all,
i need a script that can check if users did an operation within 3 days,if not delete all the logs of users who did not perform any activity after 3 days.therefore script should be able to use current date and verify last date user performed activity and see if it is greater or less than 3 days.
i will appreciate it very much

Is there something on the server which is timestamped when the user does the activity?

try to use find command to find out

find /dir -type f -mtime -3 -name "*.log" -print 2>/dev/null| xargs ls -l | awk '{print $3}' | uniq

will give the file owners that have not had modified files within the last 3 days

Devaraj Takhellambam

I think this command sequence gives a list of users who have created or modified ".log" files in the last 3 days.