DataNucleus Access Platform 1.1.0.m3 (Rutherford branch)

DataNucleus Access Platform is a standards-compliant Java persistence product. It is fully compliant with the JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, and JPA1 Java standards. It also complies with the OGC Simple Feature Specification for persistence of geospatial Java types. It allows access to all popular RDBMSs available today, together with db4o, LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel documents, and XML databases. License: The Apache License 2.0 Changes:
Support for the JDO2.3 enhancer API was added. Support for JPA2 @OrderColumn was added. Support for native LDAP queries was added. Support for PersistenceManager proxies was added. Support for some non-standard features of Xcalia/Kodo were added (to assist people migrating from those implementations). Much refactoring was done for the forthcoming JDO2.3 Metadata API, and to allow support for other RDBMS-like datastores. Some bugs were fixed.
