[CSH]legal to declare a variable like this

I am trying to declare a variable like this

#!/bin/csh -f

set c_arg = $a $b $c

However, since i need it to declare before declaring $a ,$b or $c.
As of now i am getting an error which says $a not defined.

Is it possible to define a variable c_arg w/o interpreting the values $a $b $c

if you don't want the $a $b $c to be interpreted, then just declare it like set c_arg


actually I want to declare a variable(in script#1) with argument set to be passed on to other script(script#2) at the later part of my first script.
There are many argument sets, to make it easier to update, it is essential to declare and assign arg set at the top of script#1.

Hence all i want is a variable c_arg (to be declared at top) which can be used later as

./script2 c_arg