csh script help

Hey I am brand new to this forum and scripting.

I have several documents (1000+) all formated exactly the same. Each document contains 97 lines. I want to pull 3 lines from the documents to populate a file. These 3 lines are line number 9, 24, and 58.

Ok my questions: Instead of using "head" and then "tail" commands is there a way to just pull the lines?

I was using the head command to say pull the first 9 lines and then the tail command to pull the bottom most line. It seems like there should be a easier way to just "cherry pick" these lines out.

Thanks in advance

awk 'NR==9||NR==24||NR==58' file

extending that a little bit:

find /path/to/files -type f |
        xargs -d '\n' awk 'NR==9||NR==24||NR==58' > /path/to/output

Also: Csh Programming Considered Harmful

Thanks for the quick help.

Great forums!
