
Is it possible to add a line to a crontab to so that a program will run every 15 minutes? how will this line look?

Thank you.

every 15 min 24/24 ?
This is every 10 min, so I let you figure out 15...

05,15,25,35,45,55 * * * * /usr/sbin/dmesg - >>/var/adm/messages 2>&1

Should run every 15 minutes 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

15 * * * * /bin/nnkill

Ups ... I realized the logic:

10,25,40,55 * * * * /bin/nnkill

No, the above runs at 15 minutes after the hour, every hour, not every 15 minutes

The crontab entry below runs every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

*/15 * * * * /usr/sbin/dmesg - >>/var/adm/messages 2>&1

10,25,40,55 * * * * /bin/nnkill

The above should work.

Do I have to leave a space after each comma?
I read somewhere that if crontab file is not formated properly it will be deleted. Is this true?

Ups ... stupid question: how do I actually add the line?

Sorry for this, I'm a .net developer:(

to edit an existing crontab file:
crontab -e

then check :
crontab -l

IF you are to write one from scratch then it would be wise to use this template I use for all crontabs:

# /sm/cron/cronfile.root
# crontab file for the super-user.
# ==========================================================================
#      F O R M A T
# ==========================================================================
#  Minute    Hour    Month_Day    Month    Weekday    Command
#  (0-59)   (0-23)   (1-31)       (1-12)   (0-6)*0=sun run-string
#  * = in any crontab field represents all legal values.
# Therefore, to schedule the ps(1) cmd to execute at 5:10pm on every
# friday and monday during june, july, august, you would make an entry
# in your crontab fithe that looks like this :
#  10 17 * 6,7,8  1,5 ps>>psfile 2>&1
# The 2>&1 redirects any error msg to the file psfile.
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# archive annuelle  de l export le 3 dimanche de janvier chaque annee
#00 04 * 1 0   /sm/bin/archive_annuelle >>/sm/log/ 2>&1
# ==========================================================================

Thank you so much! Looks like everything works.