cronjob issue

I am able to run script manually but they are not getting invoked from the crontab

here is cronjob entry
15 03 * * * /Feed/bin/ >/Feed/logs/log.txt
logs.txt is empty
Please Advice

Does your first line include the following?


yes it is there is

Can you post the script?


cd /Feed/bin

touch flag

Also the crontab use to run correctly daily its only for past 3 days it is not running

Hmm, the 'touch flag' command shouldn't return any output to send to the log.txt. I wouldn't expect anything to be in that file. What are you expecting to be in the file?

Does the crontab user have write permission to /Feed/bin ?
Have you tried modifying the script to simply

touch /Feed/bin/flag

If the timestamp changes on the logfile, the cron is working.