Cron Authentication Failure error in Linux

I was bogged with an error �Authentication Failure� for all of my cron jobs in Linux Ubunutu.

root@Test:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep cron
Dec 11 16:38:01 Test cron[14861]: Authentication failure
Dec 11 16:38:01 Test cron[14861]: Authentication failure
Dec 11 16:38:09 Test cron[14957]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Dec 11 16:38:09 Test cron[14957]: (CRON) INFO (Skipping@reboot jobs -- not system startup)
Dec 11 16:39:01 Test cron[14957]: Authentication failure

I try lot of things but didn't want work . one things all my users connect with Ldap , if some one have any idea how troubleshooting the ldap with cron job

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