Creating your own Header file in awk

whether it is possible in awk to create your own header file like in C
if so someone give me awk equivalent for below one

$ cat foo.h
int add(int a,int b)
$ cat main.c
void main()
int number1=10,number2=10,number3;
number3 = add(number1,number2);
printf("Addition of Two numbers : %d\n\n",number3);

Thanks in advance..

awk doesn't have an 'include' statement, but you can have more than one -f parameter to run multiple files, concatenating their code together.

$ cat foo.awk

function add(a,b) {

$ cat main.awk

{ print add($1, $2) }

$ echo "1 2" | awk -f foo.awk -f main.awk



Thank You so much...

If your using gnu awk you have @include:

@include "foo.awk"
{ print add($1, $2) }

Hi Chubler_XL

my awk is this

$ awk --version
GNU Awk 3.1.8
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2010 Free Software Foundation.

how to run in method you suggested?

$ cat foo.awk
function add(a,b) {
$ cat main.awk
@include "foo.awk"
{ print add($1, $2) }
$ echo 1 2 | awk -f main.awk
awk: main.awk:1: @include "foo.awk"
awk: main.awk:1: ^ invalid char '@' in expression

Sorry, it seems @include was only added in awk 4.x.

However igawk is available on some distributions, and this does a pre-process of scripts to expand @include statements.

But it's all a bit of a mess as GNU awk 4.x requires quotes around filename and igawk will not work with them!

$ cat main1.awk
@include foo.awk
{ print add($1, $2) }

$ echo "2 3" | igawk -f main1.awk

$ cat main.awk
@include "foo.awk"
{ print add($1, $2) }

$ echo "2 3" | awk -f main.awk