creating directories on the same box

I have two login accounts 'fup04a' and 'fup04c' on the same unix box
after log in using 'fup04a' and if I try creating a directory 'new'

drwxrwxr-x 2 fup04a fup04a 4096 Nov 14 14:06 new

but if i try the same with fup04c

drw-rw-r-x 2 fup04c fup04c 4096 Nov 14 14:05 new

Now please see the permissions for both the directories, why is that the second one not having proper permissions?

Where should i make the changes so that a new directory created using login account 'fup04c' has the permissions - rwxrwxr-x

Please help me. Thanks

Typically there is a umask setting in each usernames $HOME/.profile

something like
umask 002 with cause the default perms to be 775 for dirs and 664 for files

umask 022 will get your 755 for dirs and 644 for files.

edit the respective .profile and change or update the the umask entry.

perfect....its now giving the correct permissions

many thanks budddy


No prob.

Have a nice day :cool: