create pdf of text file help

Can someone please tell me why this is not working? I have created numerous pdf's from text files by following these instructions and this time it is not working.

Convert jpeg files to PDF under Linux |

convert /home/liveuser/Documents/hw7 /home/liveuser/Documents/hw7.pdf
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `/home/liveuser/Documents/hw7' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
convert: missing an image filename `/home/liveuser/Documents/hw7.pdf' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2949.

It doesn't know what 'hw7' is. Without the file extension, it can't tell.

Are you saying add something like txt to the end of it? Its just a text file I made with vi.

Yes, 'convert' determines file type from extension, which is how it knows you want an adobe acrobat file just because you told it "whatever.pdf"

Any recommended extensions then? It can't convert rtf or doc, and does a REALLY POOR job of converting txt.

Lying to it won't make it do a better job, just cause it to break. Name text files .txt

Its output can probably be improved by telling it what font you want it to use, or maybe formatting the input with fold and so forth.