create a basic script

Hi everybody :frowning: :confused: :D,
I need someone to help me! I have a file with 4 colunms and I would like to transform only the 4th colunm by multiplying this by a constant value (i.e 0.3047). I'm a new one using/creating basic scripts and I'm using linux redhat.
The file has the following configuration (separeted by colunms):

115675.040000 9358616.700000 0.000000 4995,450195
115675.040000 9358616.700000 50.000000 4995,450195
115675.040000 9358616.700000 100.000000 5008,660156
................. .................. ............ ...............
................. .................. ............. ...............

Is it possible to create in unix/linux a script to make this operation?
PS: The file is too big to do it in the excel.

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