cp/mv problem

I have a file that somehow "broken" to two lines as you can see below:

ls -l q807*stl03.dbf
-rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 3146780672 Dec 3 17:29 q807_ca

  1. I want to copy it to another directory
  2. Then i want to change its name . how can i do that ?


This looks like a line wrap issue for the screen configuration. The fact that your ls command returned something would appear to confirm this.

>ls -l q807*stl03.dbf

Do a
>ls q807*stl03.dbf
to see if you only get one response file

To copy, why not use the same wildcarding?
>cp q807*stl03.dbf /dir/folder


a) say your file is located under /home/james/aaaa.txt

and you want to move it to /tmp/james

b) cp -R /home/james/aaaa.txt /tmp/james/

c) cd /tmp/james

d) mv aaaa.txt bbbb.txt [new file]

Hi joeyg,
Thank you!
Its worked.