Coredump HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31


I'm looking for the help on how to implement coredump using the tools that comes with HP-UX 11.23 and HP-UX 11.31.
To also avoid the the dump files fill-up the root disk when dump occurs.

I'm new to this and would need step by step please.

Thanks in advance!

make a process dump core

# step 1 - create child process
sleep 30 2>&1 >>logfile &
# step 2 - send SIGSEGV to the child  $! is the pid of the child
kill $! -SEGV

The ulimit command limits the size of core files. Read the man page to see exactly what you want to do. Put the ulimit command in /etc/profile so all users are limited in the size of core files. -- assuming I got what you want to do.

ulimit -a

show the current settings

Hi Jim,

Could you tell why you need to run this script before ulimit -a?

# step 1 - create child process
sleep 30 2>&1 >>logfile &
# step 2 - send SIGSEGV to the child  $! is the pid of the child
kill $! -SEGV


In 11.31 there is a new command called "coreadm" (man 1m coreadm) wich allows to locate all cores geretared into a single directory and with a given patter.
