Copy a file to multiple hosts


I need to copy a file ( say 1MB file ) to multiple hosts( no of machines is huge).
What would be the most optimal way of doing it with minimal user intervention ?


(1) if each machine has an anonymous ftp account then ftp it

(2) if you have an ssh public/private key pair for each machine then scp it

At the end of the day you need to pass authentication and then transfer the file.

Can you please be more specific..
How would i do it for multiple hosts at one time..

With Ftp , I will have to run the same cmd over and over

even with scp i'll have to enter the credentials isn'it ?



Consider rdist:

cheers, drl


Or use the public/private keys.

I am currently using at work to manage about 100 servers from a single master configuration. It supports what you want and a lot more, if you don't mind installing another daemon and spending days for initial setup on each machine.