coping files, need to exclude certain files

I have two directories that contain data files. I would like to create a script that would copy all data files (*.dbf) from these directories to another location, except for 4 specific files.

How do I exclude those files from my cp command?

Doing a google once...... given me this...

find ./ ! -name '*.svn' | xargs -i cp {} dest_dir 

will copy all files (excluding *.snv files).

The problem is that the files I want to exclude are also *.dbf files

find . ! -name "a.dat" ! -name "rem.txt" -name "*.dat" |xargs  -i  cp {} DEST

When i executed the above command , all files except a.dat file copied to the DEST folder. Although (a.dat fall under *.dat , find still excludes tht file).

In your case exclude all the 4 files , by putting their filenames in the commnad above and try.

Thank you panyam, that worked perfectly