***convert from perl to bash***

can any body translate the follwing script into one that works in bash?

# classify_books.pl
my $csv_file = shift;
my %categories = ( 'childrens' => 'childrens_books.txt',
'horror' => 'horror_books.txt',
'sports ' => 'sports_books.txt',
'computing' => 'computing_books.txt');
my @childrens_file, @horror_file, @sports_file, @computing_file;
open(CSV_FILE, '<', $csv_file) or die "Failed to read file $csv_file : $! \n";
while (my $line = <CSV_FILE>) {
next unless ($line =~ m/^\d{3}-\d+,/);
my ($isbn, $title, $author, $category) = split(/,/, $line);
$title =~ s/^\s+//;
$author =~ s/^\s+//;
$category = lc($category);
$category =~ s/^\s+//;
unless (exists($categories{$category})) {
print STDERR "\nUndefined category $category for book $title by $author having ISBN $isbn \n";
if ($category =~ m/childrens/) {
push(@childrens_file, "ISBN: $isbn\nAuthor: $author\nTitle: $title\n\n");
elsif ($category =~ m/horror/) {
push(@horror_file, "ISBN: $isbn\nAuthor: $author\nTitle: $title\n\n");
elsif ($category =~ m/sports/) {
push(@sports_file, "ISBN: $isbn\nAuthor: $author\nTitle: $title\n\n");
elsif ($category =~ m/computing/) {
push(@computing_file, "ISBN: $isbn\nAuthor: $author\nTitle: $title\n\n");
if (@childrens_file) {
open (CHL_FILE, '>', $categories{'childrens'}) or die "Failed to write file $categories{'childrens'} : $! \n";
print CHL_FILE @childrens_file;
close (CHL_FILE);
if (@horror_file) {
open (CHL_FILE, '>', $categories{'horror'}) or die "Failed to write file $categories{'horror'} : $! \n";
print CHL_FILE @horror_file;
close (CHL_FILE);
if (@sports_file) {
open (CHL_FILE, '>', $categories{'sports'}) or die "Failed to write file $categories{'sports'} : $! \n";
print CHL_FILE @sports_file;
close (CHL_FILE);
if (@computing_file) {
open (CHL_FILE, '>', $categories{'computing'}) or die "Failed to write file $categories{'computing'} : $! \n";
print CHL_FILE @computing_file;
close (CHL_FILE);

The obvious question being: "Why should we, if you have yet to show any attempts at solving this, and without knowing why you would even want to this?"

If you dont want to then fine, but cut the attitude was only asking for help

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