controlling tool running on Linux VM fron Windows

I have a virtual machine with RedHat. It has a command-line tool X that takes an input file + some control parameters, performs some processing and generates some input files. I have a Windows XP/Server 2003 box where an app Y is running. What I need to do is to control X from Y. That is, given an input file, I have to feed this file from Y to X, have X process the file and then Y collect the results. Y would be running either on the host Windows machine using VM Player or on a separate box. Input files might be quite large. I need a solution that would be of production level quality. What would be the best approach to this? I presume I will need to develop some components both on the Windows side and the Linux side that would communicate with each other, send input and output files etc. What would these components be? The VM has a Redhat Enterprise install, so I have access to gcc, but not sure which other development tools. Thanks!

Download PuTTY, Plink, PSCP, and PuTTYgen. Use PuTTYgen to generate a public key pair. Use PSCP to copy the files to and from the Linux machine. Use Plink to start the tool on the Linux machine.