Control cursor position also at bottom of window

It's still the same as what I posted earlier. A bit longer than it has to be because of all the ifs and comments. I like the way you used parameter expansion in your version, but your version didn't scroll right on my system - an ordinary terminal emulator running Bash 5 on a Debian Linux.

Here my currently final version again:

function askYesOrNo {
        printf "\e[1;31;47m$1 [Y|n]\e[0m "      # print $1 in color
        printf "\e[s"                           # save cursor x-pos

        while true ; do
                read answer
                if [ -z "$answer" ] ; then
                        return 0
                elif [ "$(tr -d "NnYy" <<< $answer)" != "$answer" ] ; then

                # How many lines in this window?
                LINES=$(tput lines)

                # find cursor y-position ( line number )
                printf "\e[6n" ; read -sd R POS
                CURPOS=${POS#*[}; CUR_Y=${CURPOS%;*}

                if [ "$CUR_Y" -eq "$LINES" ] ; then
#                       printf "\e[u\e[1A\e[K" 
                        printf "\e[u\eM\e[K"
                        printf "\e[u\e[K"
        if [ "${answer^}" == "Y" ]; then
                return 0
        return 1

for (( i = 100, max = 110; i <= max; i++ )) ; do
        printf " %d\n" $i
        if [ $i -eq $max ] ; then
                if askYesOrNo "Do you wish to continue?" ; then
                        (( max += 10 ))

Only complaint now is that when the question is asked at the very bottom of the window the cursor still jumps to the next line, the window scrolls but the cursor jumps back to the end of the question. That can be avoided by using read -n 1 - as wisecracker suggested - but I like to use the Enter key to confirm.

Does it run the same way on your system?

Well, I don't think parameter expansion does affect scrolling of the screen.

No, it doesn't. In my terminal emulator, it asks and stays on the very last line, even when reading / getting the <Return> /<Enter> key. But, as we learned, emulators may behave differently.

I mean that it makes for a shorter script.

Interesting. I thought the newline was unavoidable because it takes the Enter key to terminate the read call.

This is how it looks on lxterminal before and after hitting enter after giving an invalid answer:

How do you actually add an image? I dragged and dropped, also tried attachment.