Contentteller 1.0.0 RC2 (Default branch)

Contentteller is a content management system designed for sites of all sizes and types. It is powerful but simple to use, and search engine friendly out of the box. It has support for multiple Web sites, caching for high traffic Web sites, the ability to import and update everything from RSS feeds, POP3 email accounts, news servers, PAD, CompatDB XML files, a powerful template and style system, integration with 3rd party applications such as vBulletin, UBB.threads, phpBB 3.0, MyBB, SMF, and IP.Board 2.x, and an optional Windows installer to install Contentteller without the need of a FTP client. It is fully extensible with modules. License: GNU General Public License v3 Changes:
The entire admin subsession security system was rewritten to store hashes in the database rather than using sessions. An edit option was added for site_header/site_footer in the instant style editor. Support for language files was added in the module installer. Multiple small issues were fixed in the download module.
