console /dev/console get image

We are using software (Pegasys) which runs on SunOS 5.8 and reads images from a Philips nuclear camera. The software is designed to run from the console. I need to be able to capture the images it produces on the display. The caveat is that I cannot use the X Windows display because the X Server is not producing the images and therefore has no knowledge of the image. I've tried doing a display dump (xwd) and displaying the image I captured (xwud) but the image is blank (black). I have learned that the application is most likely using 'Direct Graphics Access' and so my dumps I've taken prove that that is the case and cannot go that route. I was hoping to find some way of getting the image being display by taking a pixel-by-pixel dump of the screen. I'm not sure, other than writing an application to reads the framebuffer (/dev/fb) and then dumping the image (somehow) from there? Extremely delicate scenario if not impossible. What other options do you recommend?

Thank you,


It seems hard to believe that the software doesn't have a provision to save images. Are you sure that you're not overlooking a feature? Saving a copy of an image from a camera is a very common requirement.

It's capable of saving enough information onto the optical disk but just enough so as to be able to regenerate the images. So it seems that you are forced to view the images on the system. :frowning:

Any suggestions?