consequence of chmod o-rwx ....

Hi guys

I really want to know about the consequence of giving following command, on solaris 10 (sparc.)

What would be effect of this on whole system and services running on system and what commands will be required exactly to get back the original perms .

I recently tried above command but I am unaware of what issues will this command cause on running system,


this would remove others permissions on all hidden files. in the root file system.

i would suggest that you verify with ls prior to blindly running commands with wild cards as root. your asking for trouble.

look at another system to see what is different.

that means permissions on "/" also right ? Thanks !

Don't do it. If you're asking for the reason I think you're asking you will not gain any more reasonable security. (I don't think the kernel would allow you to overwrite the permissions of / anyway).

Rule #3: If an attacker gains a shell, regardless of privilege level, you've already lost the game; rebuild.