Conpressed, Direct Child Info, Word Tracking, Lexicon Data Structure, ADTDAWG?


Back in late August 2009, I decided to start working on a modification of the traditional Directed Acyclic Word Graph data structure.

End Of Word Nodes did not match up with single words, and Child Information had to be discovered through list scrolling. These were a heavy price to pay for a small data structure.

I made a series of observations that led me to the ADTDAWG.

  • The Adamovsky Direct Tracking Directed Acyclic Word Graph -

I documented the project with full disclosure on the web page below...

Adamovsky Direct Tracking Directed Acyclic Word Graph - An Advanced Lexicon Data Structure

The construct has proved its value in a series of rigorous tests that I designed for it.

Do you have any comments about the structure?

All the Best,
