Configuring /etc/hosts.equiv file in AIX 5.3

Need help in configuring /etc/host.equiv file. Though i configure the /etc/hosts.equiv file to prevent users from connecting remotely to the local server " -host" in /etc/hosts.equiv file, it allows the users to login from remote machine. we don't have .rhosts file on the local server. Could you please let me know, how to configure the /etc/hosts.equiv file to prevent login from remote hosts.

Also please let me know, how to configure /etc/hosts.equiv to allow login from remote server without entering password.

What service do you use to login ie. want to have blocked? telnet? ssh? ...?

we use ssh for login

You don't do this when you use ssh and AIX. You can allow/disallow remote login on a per-user basis using the command

chuser -a rlogin=[false|true] <username>

or (which is essentially the same) by modifying the respective stanza in "/etc/security/users", for instance:

       su = true
       sugroups = admin
       login = false
       rlogin = false

If you want to log on to a system/user combination from another system/user combination without using a password then generate ssh-keys and put them into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the target system.

Example: you want userA@systemA to be able to log on as userB@systemB without using a password.

  1. create a ssh-key as userA@systemA using the "ssh-keygen" utility. Enter no password when asked for one (just press <ENTER>)

  2. Log on as userB at systemB, create a directory ".ssh" (if it is not already there) and create a file "authorized_keys" in this directory (if it is not there already).

3) copy the content of "~/.ssh/" (the name can vary slightly depending on the crypto-algorithm you use) from userA@systemA to the file userB@systemB:~/.ssh/authorized_keys

WARNING: beware of line breaks when copying the key via X-copy&paste. Remove them in case there are some.

  1. Save the file. You should now be able to log on from userA@systemA to userB@systemB without passwords. This extends to file transfers with scp.

I hope this helps.
