Configuring ACL on AIX 5.3

Hello All,

Let me quickly come down to my problem..

I have a file with following description:

root:/me01/tia/filetr ans # ls -lrt DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt
-rwxrwxr-- 1 tiaoas oinstall 43 Jun 07 17:12 DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt
root:/me01/tia/filetrans # aclget DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt

  • ACL_type AIXC
    base permissions
    owner(tiaoas): rwx
    group(oinstall): rwx
    others: rwx
    extended permissions
    permit rw- u:tiaadm,g: oinstall

I wanted user 'tiaadm:staff' to be able to do a 'chmod 777 DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt' -- for which I permitted this user for 'rw' as shown in the 'aclget' o/p above. However, my purpose was that any file which begins with 'DW', user 'tiaadm:staff' should be able to do a 'chmod', hence setting ACL for individual files wasn't quite a right option.
Google'ng around, someone suggested to set the ACL for the parent directory under which files starting with 'DW' exists, so this is what I did:

aclget DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt | aclput -R /me01/tia/filetrans

With this, my purpose wasn't solved as new files(getting created) starting with 'DW' under ~/filetrans directory didn't allow user 'tiaadm:staff' to do a 'chmod 777'.
Later, some online forum suggested to use "Extended Attribute Format" for inheritance under directories, so this is what I did:

root:/ # chfs -a ea=v2 /me01

root:/me01/tia # aclconvert -t NFS4 filetrans

root:/me01/tia # aclget filetrans

  • ACL_type NFS4
  • Owner: tiaesg
  • Group: oinstall
    s: (OWNER@): a rwpRWxDaAdcCs
    s: (OWNER@): d o
    s: (GROUP@): a rwpRWxDadcs
    s: (GROUP@): d Co
    s: (EVERYONE@): a rwpRWxDadcs
    s: (EVERYONE@): d Co
    u:tiaadm: a rwpxo fidi
    g: oinstall: a rwpxo fidi

Even with the above options implemented, this is what I see:

tiaadm:/me01/tia/scripts% chmod 777 /me01/tia/filetrans/DW*
chmod: /me01/tia/filetrans//DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt: Operation not permitted.

I find myself absolutely lost & messed up here. Could someone kindly suggest/help getting this sorted?


NFSv4 ACLs inheritance flags only work for newly created files and directories, not for existing ones.

Thanks verdepollo for your response..

Well, "Access Control" for the newly created files/directories doesn't work either as I expect them to. I guess, I've messed up the ACL configurations on this directory & its contents, let be elaborate once again for a clear picture:

Step 1:

root:/me01/tia/filetrans # ls -lrt DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt
-rwxrwxr-- 1 tiaoas oinstall 43 Jun 07 17:12 DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt
root:/me01/tia/filetrans # acledit DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt

  • ACL_type AIXC
    base permissions
    owner(tiaoas): rwx
    group(oinstall): rwx
    others: r--
    extended permissions
    enabled >> Edited from "Disabled" to "Enabled" <<
    permit rw- u:tiaadm,g: oinstall >> Added this line for providing r/w permission to 'tiaadm' user for being able to do a chmod <<

After this step, user 'tiaadm' was successfully able to do a `chmod 777 /me01/tia/filetrans/DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt`

Step 2:

Configuring ACL for a single file wasn't my exact requirement, rather my requirement was -- user 'tiaadm' should be able to do a 'chmod' to any file(old/new) starting with 'DW' under '/me01/tia/filetrans' directory.
Note: Files with filename starting with 'DW' are created on daily basis by a batch job, hence manually configuring ACL for each of these new files didn't seem to be a right option. So this is what I did next step:

aclget DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt | aclput -R /me01/tia/filetrans

Here, as mentioned in step 1 - ACL for DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt file was perfect as user 'tiaadm' was able to do a 'chmod', so did a recursive copy of its ACL property to directory /me01/tia/filetrans.
After this step, any new file created under ~/filetrans directory(either by owner of the directory or other user) showed the following ACL property:

root:/me01/tia/filetrans # aclget <New File Name>

  • ACL_type AIXC
    base permissions
    owner(tiaoas): rwx
    group(oinstall): rwx
    others: r--
    extended permissions
    disabled >> Extended properties showed "disabled" by default <<

So, recursive ACL property copy on the directory too didn't help me.

Step 3:

Used "Extended Attribute Format" for inheritance under directories, so this is what I did:

root:/ # chfs -a ea=v2 /me01 >> Changed File system to use extended attribute <<
root:/me01/tia # aclconvert -t NFS4 filetrans
root:/me01/tia # acledit filetrans

  • ACL_type NFS4
  • Owner: tiaesg
  • Group: oinstall
    s: (OWNER@): a rwpRWxDaAdcCs
    s: (OWNER@): d o
    s: (GROUP@): a rwpRWxDadcs
    s: (GROUP@): d Co
    s: (EVERYONE@): a rwpRWxDadcs
    s: (EVERYONE@): d Co
    u:tiaadm: a rwpxo fidi >> Added this line for user 'tiaadm' to be able to do a recursive r/w over files/directories(fidi) <<
    g: oinstall: a rwpxo fidi >> Added this line for group 'oinstall' to be able to do a recursive r/w over files/directories(fidi) <<

After this step, these are what I see:

  • ACL extended permissions for file "DW_NUM_OF_ROWS_TSP.txt" got changed to "disabled" which was set to "enabled" earlier & 'chmod' stopped working(which was earlier working).

  • Any new file which got created under ~/filetrans directory, had the following properties:
    -- ACL extended permissions set to "disabled" by default.
    -- rwx permissions for owner, group & others was 000/--- i.e. didn't have rwx rights to anyone.

Please suggest?

I would like to reiterate my reqd once again -- User 'tiaadm' should be able to do a chmod on all files(old/new) under directory ~/filetrans which has following ownership/permissions:
root:/me01/tia # ls -ld filetrans
drwxrwsr-- tiaoas oinstall 632 Jun 07 17:12 filetrans


AIX ACLs (AIXC) does not support inheritance options.

Try this:

# aclconvert -t NFS4 filetrans
# acledit filetrans

* ACL_type NFS4
* Owner: tiaesg
* Group: oinstall
s:(OWNER@): a rwpRWxDaAdcCo fidi
u:tiaadm: a rwxRAwCc fidioi

# aclget filetrans | aclput -R filetrans

Touch a test file and check that the ACL is active (You'll see a plus sign when running 'ls')

Quick question, are you using at least version 5.3 with JFS2 FS?

Also keep in mind that if you do a chmod 777 to a file, the ACL entry gets overwritten.