Compiling Objective-C 2.0 under Linux

Hello all, I am new to programming and currently I am taking a swing at Objective-C. I easily compile my programs on my Macintosh, and have compiled some Objective-C programs on my linux box.

The problem I am having is when I try to use features demonstrated in the book Programming in Objective-C 2.0 by Stephen Kochan, aand that is using Ocj-C 2.0 Features like @property and @synthesize.

Does anyone know how, if at all, I might be able to compile Objective-C code using these new language features on Linux(More specifically I'm using Ubuntu)? :confused:

Objective C as used on the Macintosh is an almost wholly proprietary language for various reasons.

Thank you for your response, Could you provide me with any information that might point me in the direction of an update GNUStep compiler that might be able to use those features on Linux?

Normal Objective-C programs run fine on my installation of Ubuntu.

GNUstep does not have these proprietary, OSX-specific language extensions, as I noted the first time you asked. If you want them you'll need to ask the GNUstep people to risk copyright fallout from Apple by adding them. Writing portable code in the first place would be a better idea, if MacOSX will let you.

Thank You for the link, I had no idea Objective-C was like that. It's a shame, I really looked forward to completing the examples in that book sitting @ my desk, I don't think the hardware on my pc is compatible OS either, so I'm confined to my laptop.

Thank you for taking the time to dig up that post Corona:D